
Throughout the year, there are many events at the state and national levels that will help you strengthen your leadership skills, network with peers, and advocate for schools and students. Below is a summary of the major events offered by WSSDA and the National School Boards Association.  Also, visit our full Calendar of Events (link) to see rundown of all education-related activities taking place each month.

Annual Conference

WSSDA’s Annual Conference is the largest gathering of education policy leaders in the state. The conference features outstanding speakers discussing the latest trends and issues in public education, timely workshops and clinics on a wide variety of topics, and an exhibitor showcase of the latest products and services for school districts. For veterans and newcomers, it’s a superb opportunity to network and discover fresh ideas, new perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges facing public education. Held each November, the Annual Conference alternates between the Seattle area and Spokane.

Legislative Assembly

The Legislative Assembly meets annually, usually in September, to establish WSSDA’s positions on state legislative issues for the forthcoming year.  Delegates also hold an advisory vote to rank the adopted positions and proposals in priority order.  The results are considered by the Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors in establishing the association’s Legislative Priorities.

WSSDA/WASA Legislative Conference

This conference brings school board members and superintendents to Olympia to communicate their issues directly to state lawmakers while the Legislature is in session.  The conference, jointly sponsored by WSSDA and the Washington Association of School Administrators, includes a series of panel presentations and information sessions to give participants the latest developments on K-12 issues.

Regional Meetings

Regional Meetings provide opportunities for dialogue, networking and information-sharing among WSSDA members. Held each spring and fall in approximately 12 locations around the state, these meetings increase WSSDA’s ability to deliver comprehensive, accurate and timely information on education issues to its members. They are an excellent, low cost opportunity to network with your colleagues on current hot-button issues.

NSBA Events

Annual Conference

Held each April in varying locations around the nation, the NSBA Annual Conference is about building boardsmanship skills in support of student achievement. The conference is renowned for its high-caliber keynote speakers, in-depth workshops, and outstanding networking events.

Federal Relations Network Conference

NSBA’s Federal Relations Network (FRN) involves local school board members from every congressional district in the country. The goal of FRN advocacy is to make public education a top priority of the federal government. FRN members are appointed by their state associations to attend the FRN Conference, held in late January or early February in Washington, D.C. FRN members remain in contact with their members of Congress throughout the year to discuss NSBA’s and WSSDA’s positions on key education issues.