Open WSSDA Board and Committee Positions


Open spots on the WSSDA board and elected committees are filled each year at director area election meetings during WSSDA’s annual conference. Below is a list of this year’s open positions with brief descriptions for each. All elected committee members serve two-year terms while WSSDA Board members serve three-year terms. This year’s voting will occur Saturday, November 23.

Unexpected vacancies

Any given year, unexpected vacancies may occur. In that situation, the president of WSSDA’s board may appoint members to fill positions. If you’d be interested in serving, please let us know by filling out the member interest form.

WSSDA Board of Directors

Four officers and twelve director area representatives are elected to conduct the general governance of WSSDA. Meetings are typically held in January, April, June, August, September, and before and after Annual Conference in November.
There are open positions in Director Areas 1, 2, 8, and 9.

Legislative Committee

Twenty-four elected director area representatives and WSSDA’s vice president review and recommend positions on legislative issues. Members also serve as ex-officio members of the Federal Relations Network. Meetings are typically held in January, February at Legislative Conference, May, June, September prior to Legislative Assembly and in October.
There are open positions in all Director Areas.

Resolutions Committee

Twelve elected director area representatives and WSSDA’s president-elect review and recommend permanent WSSDA positions to be acted on at Delegate Assembly. Meetings are typically held in March, May, June, September at Legislative Assembly and November at Annual Conference.
There are open positions in Director Areas 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

Nominating Committee

Twelve elected director area representatives and WSSDA’s immediate past president nominate candidates for WSSDA board officer positions and oversee elections at Annual Conference. Meetings are typically held in March, July, and November at Annual Conference.
There are open positions in Director Areas 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.

Interscholastic Activities Committee

Twelve elected director area representatives and a WSSDA board liaison annually review, and make recommendations, on all proposals submitted to the Washington Interscholastic Association (WIAA) Representative Assembly. Members also meet with the WIAA executive director to review WIAA financial matters, governance and make recommendations to the WSSDA board on WIAA and/or interscholastic activities issues. Meetings are typically held in March and November at Annual Conference.
There are open positions in Director Areas 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.