How We Are Governed

WSSDA is authorized by state law to be self-governing. WSSDA’s bylaws, operating policies, finances and positions are established by the members themselves through a governance structure that includes a Delegate Assembly and a member-elected Board of Directors.

Delegate Assembly

The Delegate Assembly establishes WSSDA’s bylaws, adopts the association’s positions on non-legislative issues, and approves membership dues. The Assembly consists of one voting member from each school board in the state. The Assembly’s annual business meeting is traditionally held in conjunction with the WSSDA Annual Conference in November.

Legislative Assembly

The Legislative Assembly meets annually, usually in September, to establish WSSDA’s positions on state legislative issues for the forthcoming year. The Assembly consists of one voting member from each school board in the state.

Board of Directors

The WSSDA Board of Directors is made up of the association’s officers (President, President-elect and Vice President) and representatives elected from each of WSSDA’s 11 regional Director Areas. Ex officio members of the WSSDA Board are the Immediate Past President and any member serving on the National School Boards Association Board of Directors. The WSSDA Board prepares and approves the association’s annual budget, approves the operating policies, employs the executive director, and generally carries out the purposes of the association under the bylaws and positions.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the President, President-elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President and one Board member elected from the Board of Directors. The committee oversees the general affairs of the association between Board meetings and advises the executive director on matters related to WSSDA positions, policies, and plans established by the Board.

Committees and Task Forces

WSSDA’s standing (member-elected) committees are the Legislative Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Resolutions Committee and the Interscholastic Activities Committee. Advisory committees include the Annual Conference Planning Committee, the Small Schools Committee, and the Trust Lands Committee. Other task forces and work groups are established on a time-limited basis to address specific issues.