Legislative Rep Advocacy

About Leg Reps

“Leg Reps” or Legislative Representatives, are school board members designated to serve as their board’s point person for all things legislative, including keeping up with news, resources and opportunities provided by WSSDA. Learn more about the role of leg reps.

Leg Rep Network

The Legislative Representative Network is open to any and all school board legislative representatives, and exists to:

  • support its members in becoming unified to advocate with common messaging and strategy
  • enable its members to simplify and inspire their advocacy efforts
  • expand WSSDA’s access to voices from districts across the state in advocating for issues during the legislative session

Keep up to date with the Legislative Session

  1. Subscribe to WSSDA’s legislative updates
  2. Join any advertised Leg Rep Network webinars
  3. Join WSSDA’s Networking Hour (Thursdays from 12-1pm)
  4. Visit the Washington State Legislature webpage
  5. Review our recommend actions for year-round advocay